We aim to support each individual child in their childhood journey of discovery, wonderment and development. Our service will continue to embed improvement through the medium of self-evaluation and partnership working. Staff’s commitment to lifelong learning continues to improve their knowledge and provide better outcomes for children.Our environments are fun, happy, nurturing places where children feel safe, confident and build resilience.
The nursery comprises of 3 individual playrooms which are:
0-2 area
2-3 area
3-5 area
Out of School
All our playrooms are bright, welcoming and spacious with equipment that is suitable for the age and stage of development. All areas have access to toilets and changing facilities within the playroom setting. Every area has the use of our outdoor landscaped garden area where the children have access to age appropriate outdoor equipment. Within the cloackroom all children have their own peg labelled with their name where they can keep their belongings such as bag, coat, wellies or change of clothes whilst at nursery.